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Midshire Signature Services – Services – Education – Further Education


Catering services for Education services

The needs of a very mixed community of students

Catering in Further Education Colleges is a specialist fast paced field, constantly moving with new food trends and requiring particular expertise in meeting the needs of a very mixed community of students.


The needs of a very mixed community of students

Catering in Further Education Colleges is a specialist fast paced field, constantly moving with new food trends and requiring particular expertise in meeting the needs of a very mixed community of students.


Further Education

Catering in Further Education Colleges is a specialist fast paced field, constantly moving with new food trends and requiring particular expertise in meeting the needs of a very mixed community of students.

Across our portfolio of colleges and Sixth Forms we cater for students studying academic subjects and vocational courses. Some of our customers are full time students, others attend part time and some attend evening classes.

Food is in demand at all times of day, not at set times and we have developed a range of offers and solutions to suit these needs. From grab & go offers, main meal solutions through to healthy choices – we can cater for all requirements and will work with you to develop bespoke menu solutions that meet you and your students needs.

Midshire Signature Services
Unit A3 Elm House, Oaklands Office Park,
Hooton Road, Wirral CH66 7NZ

0151 319 4606